The Coker Accident Lawyers understand the emotional and legal concerns associated with an accident, and we have experience providing the best legal representation to our clients. Get the peace of mind and justice you deserve.
Straight talk. No gimmicks. Let's get started!
90 Langley Drive
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
{ Firm Headquarters }
P 678-935-6000
F 678-935-0911
9:00AM – 5:00PM
Monday through Friday
Available 24 Hours
Call 678-935-6000
181 E Broad Street
Winder, Georgia 30680
{ By Appointment Only }
P 678-638-5400
F 678-935-0911
We have helped many of our Georgia neighbors achieve victory during difficult cases, and we’d like a chance to earn your confidence. You are free to cancel our representation within the first 60 days at absolutely no cost to you.